Thursday, January 5, 2012

Sick Hubus

This week Hubus is sick. It is nothing serious but he has bad running nose. We went to his doctor and she gave him antibiotic. Consequently, we are trying to find interesting activities to do inside our home. For example, we made snow (thanks Liz for an idea). First, Hubus didn't want to touch it but then he started to pour from one bow to another. Also, we played memory game that Santa brought from him. Of course, we watched many dinosaurs movies. I think I already memorized all of them but Hubus still likes them. And, we played other Santa's gifts. For example, Hubus practiced riding his new bicycle (bike). I can wait for spring so we can practice outside and have more room. But the most exciting part of the day was when I open a box with Hubus' old toys which I collected and put in the closet during summer. Wow what great memories I had and probably Hubus had.

This week Hubus is sick. It is nothing serious but he has bad running nose. We went to his doctor and she gave him antibiotic. Consequently, we are trying to find interesting activities to do inside our home. For example, we made snow (thanks Liz for an idea). First, Hubus didn't want to touch it but then he started to pour from one bow to another. Also, we played memory game that Santa brought from him. Of course, we watched many dinosaurs movies. I think I already memorized all of them but Hubus still likes them. And, we played other Santa's gifts. For example, Hubus practiced riding his new bicycle (bike). I can wait for spring so we can practice outside and have more room. But the most exciting part of the day was when I open a box with Hubus' old toys which I put away in the closet during summer. Wow what great memories I had and probably Hubus had.

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