Monday, July 15, 2013

What's New?

Every day is different. Kids are getting bigger.

My oldest baby:
Hubus is learning so much. His vocabulary increases every day. In addition, he is learning numbers and letters. So far he can count to 13 and he knows about 10 letters in English. Hubus still likes to read the books.

The youngest baby:
Finally Jasio sits by himself. We waited for that SO LONG!!!! Now he is 8 months old and he is learning how to crawl. SO EXCITING!!!! However, we are still waiting for the first tooth!!!! Most of time Jasio wakes up during a night, but I remember these wonderful two weeks when he slept through a whole night. Can't wait for these weeks!!!!

These are pictures from this summer. We are spending time in our backyards. Also,  we signed for reading program in our library and we go to Pirate's Cove and Brookfield Zoo.


Soooo Long Time Ago

OMG!!!!! I didn't post anything since January!!!! I found this movie that I made in February so I will post right now. Unfortunately, I can't load it, so there is link for my movie.

In the movie it says my kids are getting better instead of my kids are getting bigger. SORRY!!!!